Swimming in Prague

17.07.2009 -
SPort Training Center – Etriatlon team offers several ways to assist you with your swimming. All of our programs are designed to help those who want to im-prove their swimming technique and condition from beginners to advanced level. 
Regular swim training in Prague:Thorough Monday to Friday there are practices on two swimming pools in the center of Prague during mornings and afternoons. Beginners work on the fi rst steps of swimming crawl. Advanced swimmers build their swimming condition while improving their technique. Choose your 1-2-3-4-5 regular training days per week.

Výstaviště Holešovice, Prague 7
podrobné informace

pondělí   7:00 - 08:00
středa    7:00 - 08:00
pátek      7:00 - 08:00

Tyršův dům, Prague 1
podrobné informace
úterý       6:30 - 07:30      20:00 - 21:00
čtvrtek    6:30 - 07:30

pátek      7:00 - 08:00

Stroke and Condition Weekend Camps: Out of Prague “crash course” in swimming effi ciency, geared towards beginner to intermediate-level swimmers and triathletes. The camp consists of 90-minutes long practices twice a day using stroke drills and swimming accesories to improve your technique. The swimmers are devided into four groups accomodating all skill and condition levels. Includes videotaping and analysis.

Training Plans: Allow you to “self coach” your way to your next race, whether it is a Sprint, Olympic, Half-Ironman or full Ironman event.

Feel Free to contact us :)

17.7.09Swimming in Prague
Přečteno 102x
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