Running Clinics

18.05.2015 -


Optimize Technique. Improve Performance. Avoid Injuries.

Technique is the cornerstone of any sport or athletic activity.  Pose Technique Clinics are unique in their focus on the technical aspect of movement.

The objective of the Pose clinics is to teach the participants the proper technique for their sport, based on the most efficient method for energy transfer, and forward movement, to eliminate injuries and maximize the natural potential.

Clinics’ attendees experience positive changes immediately at the clinics.

Running Technique Camp

Running Camp is a full day running clinic. It includes theory, practice & video analysis.

During this clinic attendees work on their running technique and practice various running drills and exercises. In addition, all attendees are filmed and video analysis is conducted for deeper evaluation of each individuals running technique.

Hours: 9 am - 4 pm

Running Technique Mini Clinic

Running mini Clinic is a 3 hour running clinic. It includes theory & practice.

During this clinic attendees work on their running technique and practice various running drills and exercises.

Hours: 9 am - 12 pm

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